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Journalism Final Project Part 1: Project Planning Document Directions: Complete the graphic organizer below to answer all portions of Part 1. After you complete the organizer, make sure you submit this graphic organizer by the posted deadline in Canvas. Which type of media you would like to create? Make a plan for how you will accomplish this Write a 1. 2. work. Write down a 3. list of steps that you will take to complete this project. Choose one avenue of "media" that you would like to create: Print Visual 4. Newspaper - front page, letter to the editor, advice column, special news stories Print, Visual, or Audio/Visual? Choose only one. 5 Magazine - articles, photo layouts, graphic design Photo Journalism (Photo Documentary) - telling a story with photographs Photo story with captions Also tell me which KIND of Print or Visual or Audio/Visual below your choice are you going to create? (ie. Look at the white box below your choice and tell me which kind you have chosen.) Audio/Visual > 5 minutes Podcast TedTalk Documentary Audio or video recording with transcript Part 1 ● Decide which type of media you would like to create. Make a plan for how you will accomplish this work. Write down a list of steps that you will take to complete this project. Write a paragraph that explains your rationale for why you chose this project. paragraph that explains your rationale for why you chose this project.