
LAMP Exercise In this lab, you will develop a student database and an interface to communicate with this database. Create a database and a table = student_grades • Create an html

interface that you can insert a new record, delete a record and display the whole table When you record a new student, you should ask the student name, midterm exam 1, midterm exam 2, and final exam scores • When you display the records, you should display the students name and their average scores = (midterm exam 1 + midterm exam 2 + 2*final exam) / 4 You will use CGI Programming syntax that you have learned in the lecture. To connect the database check exercise 1. • To create a communication between .html file and .py file, check exercise 2 and 3 * Submit your project files to GitHub **Submit your project screen shot, ICF and Github link to Canvas

Fig: 1