
Memo 2 Assignment: Writing A Data Collection MEMO Overview In this assignment you are going to write a 2 page memo by filling out the various pieces. This memo format is

based on a common format I used when working in industry. • The template for Memo 2: see attachment • A general FAQ is available: see attachment • Format: docx submission. o This is an option in google docs download. You will be writing a 2-page Memo. If you go over 2-pages it needs to be in the appendix and referenced in the other text. This should never go over 5 pages! The Scenario: You are a Data Scientist working for a Tech Company. In this exercise you will design a data collection plan for an A/B test (wikiLinks to an external site.) -- an A/B test is where you design an experiment to compare two cases. You need to define the PROBLEM and whether you will use log data (data collected by the APP, e.g. Facebook, Google Maps) or from the user (e.g. a survey). (Remember - think carefully about the data needed for your proposed A/B test and how you will acquire that data). See How to think about experiment (file is attached)

Fig: 1