or 5mm for the small divisions shown, 0.5" or 10mm for the large ones. All holes are through. Take a picture of your drawing and submit to D2L. Problem 1 Item te plek Ruler-based drawing with all details Cleanness and use of construction lines Line types Center lines Consistency of dimensions Total Points 20 20 20 20 20 100 Grading rubric definitions Cleanness and use of construction lines: The constructions lines are used to layout different parts of the drawing such as lines (and edges), centers, segments, and circles to ensure that (not limited to) The lines (and edges) that are parallel or vertical stay parallel or vertical. Angles between the lines stays consistent with the given drawing. Arcs follow the curvature and radius of the circle that they belong to. Consistency of dimensions: Dimensions that are used to create the drawings follow the dimensions given in the figure. In terms of units (e.g., inch or millimeter). • Length of the lines compared to each other. For instance, if two lines have lengths of 20 mm and 40 mm, the length of line one should look like half of the other line.
Fig: 1