assignment is meant to enhance the understanding of multi-national situations locally or globally,
and to develop skills that can help navigate the multi-cultural interactions successfully. You may or
may not be a part of a multinational company, but you would have surely dealt with people in multi-
cultural settings in real or virtual world.
Assume that you have been a part of an international business or management related interaction
before. Based on the readings of this unit and your own analysis, answer the following questions.
Describe your interaction with someone from another culture/country. Describe any challenges you
faced. Demonstrate with relevant examples.
What role did technology play in it? Provide relevant examples.
What did you learn about yourself and how do you expect this course to help you navigate future
multinational situations in a company/firm particularly in terms of global business?
Global Business Strategy:
1. Diallo, M. F., Djelassi, S., & Kumar, V. (2021). Marketing and globalization: Relevance, trends
and future research. Recherche et Applications En Marketing (English Edition), 36(3), 2-7.
Technological Advancement:
1. Eugste, J., Piazza, R., Jaumotte, F., & Ho, G. (2018, September). How knowledge spreads.
Finance and Development.
Fig: 1