n 1 a risk and resilience framework for child youth and family policy
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A Risk and Resilience
Framework for Child,
Youth, and Family Policy
Jeffrey M. Jenson
Mark W. Fraser
☐ uring the past century, social policies and programs for American
children, youth, and families have undergone frequent shifts in phi-
losophy and direction. Many policy frameworks, such as selective eligibil-
ity, universal prevention, rehabilitation, and punishment, have contributed
to the conceptual bases for services, programs, and interventions designed
for young people. However, the most consistent characteristic of American
social policy for children and families may be the sheer inconsistency of
efforts aimed at helping the nation's most vulnerable populations.
Recent advances in understanding the developmental processes asso-
ciated with the onset and persistence of childhood and adolescent prob-
lems warrant new thinking about policies and programs. Since the first
edition of this book was published in 2006, we have learned more about
why some children and adolescents develop social and health problems,
and—in the case of such problems as sexually transmitted diseases, drug
use, and delinquency-why some youths make choices that lead to poor
outcomes at home and in school and the community. Unfortunately, this
knowledge is not yet systematically applied to policy or program design,
which results in poorly specified, inadequately integrated, and waste-
fully duplicated services for children and families. The motivation for
this volume comes from the growing recognition that knowledge gained
from understanding the developmental trajectories of children who
experience social and health problems must be used to craft more effec-
tive policies and programs.
Coming of Age in America
Children, youth, and families face enormous challenges in American
society. At no time in the country's history have young people and their
parents been confronted simultaneously by such a wide array of positive
and negative influences and opportunities. Most children and youth
become healthy adults who participate in positive-or prosocial-activities
guided by interests that lead to meaningful and fulfilling lives. However,
for some American children and youth, the path to adulthood is a journey
filled with risk and uncertainty. Because of the adversities these young
people face, the prospect of a successful future is often bleak.
If we were to draw a picture depicting the current health of America's
children and youth, it would be a portrait of contrasts. On a positive note,
young people between 15 and 25 years old are volunteering and becom-
ing more involved in social causes than in the past (Center for
Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 2010). In
addition, the prevalence of some problem behavior—most notably violent
offending has decreased considerably in recent years. For example, fol-
lowing a period of rapid increase between the late 1980s and 1995, the vio-
lent juvenile crime rate returned to its pre-1988 level and has remained
relatively stable since 1996 (Puzzanchera, 2009).
Juxtaposed against this promising news are the disturbing accounts of
school shootings, persistently high rates of school dropout and drug use,
and increases in childhood poverty (for reviews of school shootings, see
Vossekuil, Fein, Reddy, Borum, & Modzeleski, 2002; Wike & Fraser, 2009).
Nearly 38% of public schools in the United States reported at least one vio-
lent incident to police in the 2005-2006 school year (U.S. Department of
Education, 2007). Sporadic acts of school violence have occurred in virtually
every region of the country in the decade following the 1999 shootings at Chapter 1 A Risk and Resilience Framework for Child, Youth, and Family 7
Columbine High School in Colorado (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2008a).
Academic failure and school dropout have become profound social
problems. About 6% of all youth between the ages of 16 and 19 years old
dropped out of school in 2008. Particularly troubling is evidence indicating
that youth of color drop out of school at much higher rates than Caucasian
students. In 2008, 11% of Latino, 13% of American Indian, and 8% of
African American students dropped out of school as compared to only 5%
of Caucasian youth (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010). As the world
moves to greater globalization of markets and demands a more educated
workforce, these young people face lives of limited opportunities and high
unemployment, which brings consequential high societal costs.
Drug use among American youth also imposes considerable individual
and societal costs on the nation. In 2009, nearly 47% of the nation's senior
high school students reported lifetime use of any illicit drug, and 24%
indicated they had used an illicit drug other than marijuana (Johnston,
O'Malley, & Bachman, 2010). Despite a recent leveling in drug use trends,
more than 19% of eighth-grade students reported lifetime use of any illicit
drug in 2009. Particularly worrisome is evidence indicating that 7% of the
nation's high school seniors have tried dangerous drugs such as ecstasy
(Johnston et al., 2010). These unacceptably high rates of drug use among
children and youth are the focus of multifaceted policy and practice
efforts at the federal, state, and local levels.
Poverty is related to many social and health problems. Nearly 18% of
U.S. children younger than 18 years old live in poverty, which signifi-
cantly affects individuals, families, and communities (Annie E. Casey
Foundation, 2010). In the United States, children are more likely than all
other age groups to be poor (Cauce, Stewart, Rodriguez, Cochran, &
Ginzler, 2003), and children of color are disproportionately represented in
poverty. Among all U.S. children younger than 18 years, 34% of African
Americans, 31% of American Indians, and 28% of Latino children were
poor in 2007. Those rates are more than double the rates for Asian and
Pacific Islanders (12%) and non-Latino Caucasians (11%) living in poverty
(Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010). These statistics are important because
living in poverty has both short- and long-term effects. Poverty has nega-
tive effects on several key outcomes during childhood and adolescence,
including school achievement and delinquency (Brooks-Gunn & Duncan,
1997; Hannon, 2003). Poverty is also associated with adverse conse-
quences during adulthood and later stages of life (McCord, 1997). The
social and environmental conditions created by poverty give rise to a variety 8 SOCIAL POLICY FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES
of public health problems that require well-reasoned evidence-based policy
and program responses.
Policy and Program Responses
to Childhood and Adolescent Problems
Experts from the fields of criminology, education, medicine, psychol-
ogy, public health, social work, and sociology agree no single pathway
leads to school failure, drug use, delinquency, and other problems.
Rather, it is the accumulation of risk—the sheer number of adversities
and traumas confronted by children and families—that seems to dis-
rupt normal developmental trajectories (Rutter, 2001). In the mid-1970s,
Jessor and Jessor (1977) asserted that a small group of youth simultane-
ously engaged in a variety of dangerous and costly problem behaviors;
that assertion has been well supported by the research evidence over
the past three decades. Indeed, the same academically marginalized
youths who are involved in drug use may also be the youths at risk of
sexually transmitted diseases and violent victimization from family
members or partners. Despite the fact that we know far more about
these high-risk youths, their friends, and their families (e.g., Elliott,
Huizinga, & Menard, 1989; Huizinga, Loeber, & Thornberry, 1994;
Loeber, Farrington, Stouthamer-Loeber, & Van Kammen, 1998; Robins
& McEvoy, 1990; White, Loeber, Stouthamer-Loeber, & Farrington,
1999), we have seen few innovative policy strategies introduced to
reduce the number of children and adolescents who experience these
problems. A looming challenge for both advocates and experts is to find
ways to incorporate and translate new knowledge (i.e., the product of
research) into public policies and programs.
One barrier to the efficient translation of research knowledge to prac-
tice is that current social policies and programs intended to meet the
needs of U.S. children, youth, and families are highly fragmented. Many
policies aimed at improving conditions for vulnerable and high-risk pop-
ulations have failed to consider the number, nature, or severity of prob-
lems experienced by American families. Other policies and resultant
programs are duplicated among agencies, leading to a host of eligibility
and implementation conflicts in child welfare, developmental disabilities,
mental health, substance abuse, education, and juvenile justice services.
Moreover, the application of theoretical and empirical evidence to the
design of social policies and programs aimed at improving the lives of
children, youth, and families is limited. Social policy is often hurriedly Chapter 1 A Risk and Resilience Framework for Child, Youth, and Family 9
created in the context of galvanizing community events—such as the rush
of safety policies implemented in the aftermath of the campus shootings
at Virginia Tech in 2007—or trends that have attracted public attention
and compelled legislation. In some cases, policies developed in reaction to
specific events lead to decisions that fail to account adequately for unfore-
seen or unintended long-term consequences. A case in point is that of the
extensive juvenile justice reforms implemented across the country in the
early to mid-1990s. Faced with increased rates of gang activity and violent
youth crime, nearly all states enacted reforms emphasizing strict sanc-
tions and punishments for young offenders. Many of these reforms—
most notably boot camp programs and the extensive use of judicial
waivers for serious offenders (i.e., where some juvenile offenders were
prosecuted in criminal courts and exposed to adult rather than juvenile
sanctions)—subsequently produced mixed or ineffective results (Jenson,
Potter, & Howard, 2001).
Over the past several decades, we have learned much about the causes
and progression of child and adolescent problems. However, advances in
understanding the life-course development of problem behaviors among
children and youth have primarily been used to enhance prevention and
treatment strategies rather than to inform theory development (Biglan,
Brennan, Foster, & Holder, 2004). Aside from Bronfenbrenner's (1979,
1986) ecological perspective, the field lacks conceptual models that
inform the design and direction of social policies for children, youth, and
families. In this book, we argue that a public health framework—rooted in
ecological theory and based on principles of risk and resilience—is defin-
ing a new and useful conceptual model for the design of social policy
across the substantive areas of child welfare, education, income assistance,
mental health, health, developmental disabilities, substance use, and
juvenile justice.
Public Health Frameworks for Social Policy
In the field of prevention science, public health frameworks for under-
standing and preventing childhood and adolescent problems have
become widely used to promote positive youth outcomes (Biglan et al.,
2004; Hawkins, 2006; Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992; Jenson, in press).
When designing or selecting interventions to ameliorate youth problems,
social scientists give first consideration to the presence or absence of risk
and protective factors affecting youth outcomes. Another concept closely
related to those of risk and protection is the concept of resilience, which is