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/n 3. Transfer the samples to the Main Lab and leave where directed by the technician 4. The testing will be carried out in 3 parts: • Part 2: Testing the mini-beam There will then be a break whilst all groups test their cubes and beams as the cube machines needs to be reset for the cylinder test • Part 1: Testing the 3 Cubes • During this break you will complete a theoretical mix design exercise • Part 3: Testing the cylinder1 ош NELE ADR Control PRO Figure 2: Machine for testing the cube/cylinder and mini-beam 5. The testing machines will be operated by a technician who will direct you to seat the samples correctly. The testing machine door will then be closed Note-protective safety glasses must now be worn 6. The samples will be tested to failure. Record the value of failures here: 33.3 MPA Cube 1 34.01M PA Cube 2 32.98 MeCube 3- 1,28 MP/Mini-Beam load load NS 333 KN 2,292 kg 34 0.1 KN 2.256 kg 329.8 kN 2.259 kg 12.8 0.2km KN 11.082Kg 12 12