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/n ACCT 370 EXCEL PROJECT: PROJECTING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Common Sized Balance Sheets (Tabs 12), Common Sized Income Statements (Tab 13), Horizontal Analysis Balance Sheets (Tab 14), Horizontal Analysis Income Statements (Tab 15), and Projected Financial Statements (Tabs 16-18) INSTRUCTIONS Continue in the same Excel workbook prepared in Module 4: Week 4, adding the following tabs: О The 12th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Common Sized Balance Sheets. ○ О ○ Set-up like the Historical Balance Sheets (Tab 3), this worksheet should use formulas to calculate the common sized percentages, linking to the Historical Balance Sheets for the calculations. "Total Assets" should be used as the base for all common sized calculations on the Balance Sheets. Common sized percentages should be calculated for all three historical years presented. See Exhibit A for a partial example of this tab. The 13th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Common Sized Income Statements. Set-up like the Historical Income Statements (Tab 2), this worksheet should use formulas to calculate the common sized percentages, linking to the Historical Income Statements for the calculations. “Revenue” or “Total Revenue" (depending on your company) should be used as the base for all common sized calculations on the Income Statements. Common sized percentages should be calculated for all three historical years presented. The 14th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Horizontal Analysis of Balance Sheets. ■ ■ Start by copying and pasting the Historical Balance Sheets from Tab 3 to this worksheet. Then, add dollar and percentage change columns between each of the set of historical years. See Exhibit B for an example of this tab. The 15th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Horizontal Analysis of Income Statements. Start by copying and pasting the Historical Income Statements from Tab 2 to this worksheet. Then, add dollar and percentage change columns between each of the set of historical years. The 16th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Projected Income Statements. Three years of projected statements should be included, starting with the most recent year after the company's last issued report. Page 1 of 4 ACCT 370 О ○ ○ The 17th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Projected Balance Sheets. Three years of projected statements should be included. Three years of projected statements should be included, starting with the most recent year after the company's last issued report. The 18th tab in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled Projected Statement of Cash Flows. Three years of projected statements should be included, starting with the most recent year after the company's last issued report. ■ Other information relating to projected tabs: ■ Projections should be based on research performed on your company and its industry. Use historical, trend, ratio data and current and future economic projections as well as information from the company's MD&A to aid in preparing projections. Clearly state your assumptions in a text box at the bottom of each tab. Cite sources for assumptions based on research. The statements should be consistent, reasonable, and accurate. Areas that will be checked for accuracy include: • • • Other instructions: The Balance Sheets should balance for all years presented. Retained earnings should be properly calculated using the prior year's balance, net income, and dividends. The Ending Cash Balance on the Statement of Cash Flows should agree to the Cash Balance shown on the Balance Sheet for the same year. Net Income on the Income Statements should match what is reported on the top of the Statement of Cash Flows (if indirect method is used). The Excel workbook should be professionally formatted. Professional formatting includes: • All numbers are formatted similarly. The use of decimals, commas for thousands, and other formatting is consistent. Dollar signs are included in the first and last numbers of each column. Subtotals and totals are preceded by a single underline. Totals are followed by a double underline. Line descriptions are indented/bolded in a manner that makes the spreadsheet easy to read. All common sized, horizontal analysis, and projection items should be calculated using formulas. Totals and subtotals should also be calculated using formulas. For an example of which cells may need formulas, please see Exhibits A & B. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. Page 2 of 4 ACCT 370 EXHIBIT A: EXAMPLE COMMON SIZED BALANCE SHEETS (TAB 12, PARTIAL VIEW) (IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY PARTIAL BALANCE SHEET SHOWN. YOUR BALANCE SHEET SHOULD INCLUDE LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY AS WELL.) Wendy's Co. Common Sized Balance Sheets As of January 3, 2016, December 28, 2014, and December 29, 2013 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts and notes receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses and other current assets Deferred income tax benefit Advertising funds restricted assets Total current assets Properties Goodwill Other intangible assets Investments Other assets Total assets Fields using formulas Jan. 03, 2016 Dec. 28, 2014 Dec. 29, 2013 8% 6% 13% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% 3% 2% 2% 0% 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 15% 14% 21% 30% 31% 27% 19% 20% 19% 33% 33% 30% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 100% 100% 100% EXHIBIT B: EXAMPLE HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS OF BALANCE SHEETS (TAB 14, PARTIAL VIEW) (IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY PARTIAL BALANCE SHEET SHOWN. YOUR BALANCE SHEET SHOULD INCLUDE LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY AS WELL.) Page 3 of 4 Wendy's Co. Horizontal Analysis of Balance Sheets As of January 3, 2016, December 28, 2014, and December 29, 2013 $s in thousands ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts and notes receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses and other current assets Deferred income tax benefit Advertising funds restricted assets Total current assets Properties Goodwill Other intangible assets Investments Other assets Total assets Fields using formulas ACCT 370 Jan. 03, 2016 $ Change % Change Dec. 28, 2014 $ Change % Change Dec. 29, 2013 $ 327,216 $ 104,854 4,312 112,788 59,940 22% $ 31,496 43% 267,276 73,358 $ (312,876) -54% $ 580,152 10,473 17% 62,885 (4,495) -51% 8,807 (1,419) -14% 10,226 39,096 53% 73,692 (8,067) -10% 81,759 (73,661) -100% 73,661 (46,545) -39% 120,206 67,399 2,091 3% 65,308 (1,875) -3% 67,183 616,569 54,467 10% 562,102 (360,309) -39% 922,411 1,227,944 (43,294) -3% 1,271,238 105,751 9% 1,165,487 770,781 1,339,587 (51,781) -6% 822,562 (19,982) -2% 842,544 (11,778) -1% 1,351,365 45,585 3% 1,305,780 58,369 95,470 (15,685) -21% 74,054 (9,143) -11% 83,197 30,949 48% 64,521 20,900 48% 43,621 $ 4,108,720 $ (37,122) -1% $ 4,145,842 $ (217,198) -5% $ 4,363,040 Page 4 of 4