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Need to write report as per the instructions given.

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Graphs to be done through Excel and image pasted in Report. Also do provide the Excel file where

Graphs are drawn with solution file./nCVEN 3161 Mechanics of Materials I-Fall 2023

Tension Test Report Guideline

The lab report should be self-contained. Although you attended lab sessions in groups, your

report MUST be YOUR OWN work. Lab report will be graded on the following criteria:



The entire report should be submitted to CU Canvas in a pdf file

Text should be 1.0 line spaced and may be done in Times New Roman 11 point or 12 point font

Figures, Tables and Graphs

Figures, Tables and Graphs should each have a title and a number (graph titles are to be label

BELOW the graph and table titles are to be label ABOVE the table). Graphs should have white

background so data points and trendlines are easy to see. Graphs should have the axes labeled, the scale

indicated, and should be of appropriate size for the reader to see the results. It is sometimes necessary to

give a graph or table its own page. If placed within the text, tables and graphs should be separated from

the text with appropriate borders. These graphs and tables should be referenced in the text (both number

and title).


The report should be divided into the sections discussed below. These sections should appear in

the order presented.


• Report Title

Entity presented by (you)

Group Number

Organization that the report was done for (University, Department & Course #)

Date the Experiment was completed

• Date the report was submitted

3. ABSTRACT (10%)

The abstract is a brief description of what is contained in the report. It should cover the main

purpose of the experiment, a general description of what was done, a general description of the

equipments used, a broad overview of the results that were obtained, and conclusions as to whether the

results seem reasonable. The abstract should be able to stand alone from the rest of the report. It should

not directly refer to figures or tables or other content of the rest of the report.


The Table of Contents should list all the sections and what page they start on

List of Figures and list of tables should contain all figures and tables including name and number

listed in the text and the page they start on./n• Discuss the background necessary to understand the report. This would include brief description

of theory, definitions of major terms, objective(s) and purpose of the lab, and any assumptions

used during experiment.

Discuss the properties that are extrapolated or calculated from the test.

Short description of how the stress-strain graph was created and how the data was obtained.

Appropriate background so that a common reader can understand the experiment.

Brief description of the materials used, and the concepts of engineering and true stress and strain,

and the differences between elastic and plastic behavior.


• Create a list of steps as to how the experiment was conducted. Include a listing of equipment

used, sketches or drawings of the test specimen(s) including dimensions and the testing setup.


Your results should make use of charts and tables, and explain your figures including measured

quantities, graphs or charts created for understanding the results, and any properties calculated.

Measured quantities in the Tension Test include the original cross-sectional area (Ao) and the original

gauge length of the specimen (Lo).

A minimum of the following should be included:

Plot of test data force vs. displacement.

• Plot of Engineering Stress vs. Engineering Strain. Plot twice. The first plot should contain the

strain ranging from 0 to failure. For the second plot, graph enough data points so that two lines

(one is the trendline added to determine the Young's modulus, and the other is the 0.2% offset

line) can be seen clearly.

• Assign all the properties mentioned below to the plot. The curve should start at (0,0), in other

words at zero stain and zero stress. In some tests our results do not match these requirements.

You must "fix" your data by adding or subtracting to every value the same amount. Graphically

this means that you move your curve or your coordinate system. If the stress-strain behavior of

the sample appears strange, plot it like it is but try to find explanations.

From the test data, CALCULATE AND SHOW the following properties:

. E (Modulus of Elasticity)

• Proportional Limit

ay (Yield Strength/Stress)

Ey (Yield Strain)

(Ultimate Tensile Strength)

of (Rupture Strength)

& (Total Strain, the strain at failure)

Section of strain hardening and strain softening (necking) (if there is any)

Sections of elastic and plastic behavior

Percent elongation in length at failure

• Percent reduction in cross sectional area (if measured)

Numerical results are best presented in table form, along with appropriately referenced accepted

values. It should be noted which properties were calculated, which were extrapolated graphically.


• Explanation of what your results mean to the common reader/nYou should compare the obtained results with accepted reference values (you may find them


• Explain if the differences are significant.

• Identify any large errors and attempt to provide explanations of possible causes.

• Include observations from lab.



Whenever you use a source within the body of the paper, this source should be referenced.


• Include the data received from the tests. You are recommended to use Excel Spreadsheets and to

show both the originally measured data and the data that you calculated and/or changed. If the

raw data is lengthy, you may include only a part of it.

• Sample Calculations: Include all sample calculations in this section for any equations that you

used in writing the report.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4