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but not the left, seemed to be crucial

Scientists extract music from the mind is deceding mic. Removing informa

tion from the right STO in the computer

A computer model used brain data to re-create a Pink Floyd song model decreased the accuracy of the song

reconstruction, the researchers found


In what seems like something out of a

sc-movie, scientists have plucked the

fah Pak Poyd song "Another Brick in

the wait from individual bras

Previously, researchers have used elec-


des, computer models and brain scan

to decode and reconstruct individual

words and entire thoughts from people's

brain activity 26/3/2014


The new study, published Aug 15 in

kos gaminto the mix

LOS Biology.

showing that songs can also be decoded

from brain a activity and revealing how

different brain areas pick u


in actory areas, responded to hear

ing the song The electrodes detected

not only neural signals associated with

words, but also rhythm, harmony and

finding may ever

tually help improve condevices

used by people with paralydor other com

ditions that the top

Neuroscientist Ludovie Bellier of the

University of California, Berkeley and

colleagues deceded the song from dat

captured by electrodes on the brains of

29 people with epilepay. While in the hee

pital being monitored for the disorder, the

individuals latened to the 1979 rock song

People's nerve cells, particularly those

other musical aspects with that infor-

mation, the researchers developed a

computer model to reconstruct sounds

from the brain activity data, and found

that the model could produce sounds

that resemble the song

a realtor de force says neurosc

entist Robert Zatre of McCl University

in Montreal "Because you're recording the

activity of neurons directly from the brain

acoustic elements. The may of you get very direct information about on at the Pink Floyd song in addition

ket var en

exactly what the patterns of activity are

The study highlights which parts of the

"Music is a cere part of human experi

ence" says Beller, who has been playing

musical instruments since he was 6 years

old "Understanding how the brain pro

cesses music can really tell us about

human You can go to a country


and not understand the language, but be

able to enjoy the music

Further probing musical perception wi

probably be difficult because the brain

areas that process it are hard to access


without invasive methods. And Zatorre

wonders about the broader application of

the computer model, which was trained

brain respond to different elements of

music. Take the superior temporal gr

or STOs, which are located in the lower

middle of each side of the brain Activity

in one area within the STOs intensified at

the onset of specific sounds such as when

a guitar note played. When vocals were

used, activity in another area increased

and stayed elevated

The STG on the right side of the brain

to other songs does it work


kinds of sounds like a dog barking of

phone ringing he asks

The goal, Bellier says, is to eventually

be able to decode and generate satu

ral sounds in a

In addition to music. In the

shorter term, incorporating the more

wsical elements of speech, including

pitch and timbre, into brain-computer

devices might help individuals with brain

lesions, paralysis or other conditions

communicate better.

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(mothing from lecture or

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(Due 10/23/23. Hardcopy.

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