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Determine the moment created about point C by the force F = {30i + 70j - 25k} N acting at point D. Note: In this question and in the options

listed below, the letters i, j, and k repres ent the unit vectors i-hat. j-hat, and k-hat, respectively. M = 119 N-m M = (22.5i + 21j - 31.25k} N-m OM = (+10.25i - 9.75j- 15k} N-m M= (-10.25/+9.75j+ 15k) N-m OM= (53i + 109j + 60k} N-m

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8