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Numéro 5. (19 pts) Let be an array t, indexed by 0 to n-1. We want to find an index i such as

t[k] ≤t[i] for 0 ≤ k < i and t[k] >t[i] for i+1≤k

In other words, find an index i such that all the elements to the left of t[i] are all smaller than or

equal to t[i] and all elements on the right of t[i] are all larger than t[i]. Note that such an index may

not exist, or there may be several indices that satisfy the condition. Here are a few examples:


[3, 6, 1,5]

[4,0,8,-1,6, 15, 22, 19]

[11, 8, 1, 4, 17, 26, 52, 25, 19, 55, 65, 60, 70, 100, 99]

possible clues




(a) (10 points) Find the algorithm linear in the worst case. Your algorithm doesn't have to

give the highest value of the index found, but one of them, or -1 if no such index exists.

Give the pseudo-code of your algorithm.

(b) (4 points) Keep track of your algorithm with a few tables.

(c) (5 points) Perform an asymptotic analysis of your algorithm.

Response :

Fig: 1