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ots) The replisome (3pts) What are the 3 enzymatic activities of DNA polymerase I and what are thefunctions of each activity (1pt for each activity) in DNA replication. B. (6pts) Below is a figure of the eukaryotic replisome on the left and a figure of the bacterial replisome on the right. For simplicity, some of the components were not shown on the figures. The bacterial replisome figure is a screenshot of the replication animation you studied with some of the components labeled with letters. Below are the names of-some of the eukaryotic replisome components. Fill in the blanks next to the eukaryotic replisome component names with the letter of the bacterial replisome components that are homologous to the eukaryotic replisome components (5pts) and answer question 6.

6). In eukaryotes, which protein(s) remove the primer and then synthesize DNA to fill the gaps between okasaki fragments? (1pt).

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5