
Overview : "Russel Street Medical" is a website are happy with your work and want you to continue developing their website. UPDATE ONE (Page 2): To bypass client-side validation, include this

submit button in your forms: UPDATE TWO (Page 1): Clarifications regarding the administration.php page: 1. It should be accessible by all website visitors and display a log in form by default. 2. Only logged in users (ie authorised staff) should see bookings and an "add administrator" facility. Website Expansion and Code Practice: You will need to create more PHP files: • tools.php: a file that contains functions common to all pages and to reduce webpage clutter. • administration.php: a webpage that shows a login screen to all users by default and administration information to authorised users, eg patient booking requests and an add user facility. • appointments.txt: a spreadsheet that you will write to using fputcsv () and read from using fgetcsv (). • accessattempts.txt: a spreadsheet that you will write to using fputcsv () • users.txt: a spreadsheet that you will write to using fputcsv () and read from using fgetcsv ().

Fig: 1