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P4.13 Acrylonitrile (C₂H3N, used to make carbon fiber, acrylic fibers, nylons,

fumigants, and synthetic rubber) is synthesized by catalytic ammoxidation

of propylene (C3H6):

Propylene, ammonia, and air (79 mol % N₂, 21 mol % O₂) are mixed and

then fed to the reactor, where the mixture reacts over a catalyst to make

acrylonitrile. The reactor operates at steady state. You are the process

engineer in charge of monitoring the performance of the reactor. One day

you determine that the gas flow rate out of the reactor is 7095 gmol/min,

and that the gas contains 28.19 mol % water and 1.88 mol% ammonia,

along with N₂, propylene, and acrylonitrile, but no 0₂.

Draw a flow diagram, and use a DOF analysis to show that the problem

is correctly specified. Write the correct form of the material balance

equations for all compounds in this system. Calculate: (a) The extent of

reaction , (b) the flow rate (gmol/min) of acrylonitrile leaving the reactor,

and (c) the flow rates (gmol/min) of propylene, ammonia, and air fed to the


Fig: 1