In complete sentences, fill in the table below. Do not feel you have to explain to your
audience everything listed; identify what your audience needs to know, what will excite
them, what they will be responsible for, and choose one or two of the initiatives to
Identify your
Summarize the
goal of your
Keep in mind
initiatives you
have chosen.
State the size of
your audience.
Choose the best
medium for
(email, memo,
business letter,
or essay).
Audience 1
Audience 2/nENGL202 - Week 4 Report Template
Determine their
expertise or
familiarity with
the subject
Predict how the
audience will
Evaluate the
need for this
among the
target audience.
Part 2: Select one audience from the table above. You already chose the best medium to
communicate with this group. Design your communication. (For example, if you
identified an email as the best form of communication for your audience, draft an
Part 3: After you create your communication content, in your own words, address the
following prompts. Your response should be a minimum of 250 words.
• Describe what type of language, tone, and appeal you used to excite your
audience. Summarize why you think they would listen to you.
• Explain why you chose to provide and omit certain information.
• Justify the medium you selected based on your audience.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2