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Part 1 - General Contour Map Questions use Figure 1 (see last page - instructor will provide printed

copy to draw on)

1. Index contour lines are printed as a bold brown

line on topographic maps. List the three values

given for the index contour lines shown on this

map. Remember that these values are in feet.

2. Based on the index contour lines, what is the

contour interval for this map?

3. What is the relief (the difference in elevation)

between points A and B? Show the elevation for A

and B in your answer.

4. Which of the four slopes shown with red arrows

and labeled 1-4 is the steepest? Explain your


5. Hills are represented as a series of roughly

circular closed contour lines. Which of the

landforms labeled A - F are hills?



C./n6. Depressions of the land surface are basins

without outlets. Which of the landforms labeled A

-F represent a depression? Note that when

contours go back down inside a hill, they are

marked with small hatchures (cross lines). You can

also review the USGS Topographic Map Symbols

guide for to see an example of this symbol.

7. When contour lines cross a stream, they form a

V, which points upstream. Draw arrows on the

three streams on this map pointing in the direction

of stream flow. (Think about elevation clues too -

where are higher areas versus lower.)

8. Estimating the elevation of a place that does not

fall on a contour line is done by estimation between

the two contour lines. What is the approximate

elevation for point N?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2