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Part 2: 1. A recent study examined the number of adults exhibiting symptoms of anxiety in 3 different time periods: before the pandemic (2019), during the pandemic (December 2020), and later,

in December 2021. A group of 3000 randomly selected adults across the US participated in this study. It found that 243 adults manifested symptoms of anxiety before the pandemic (2019). In December 2020, this number went up to 1107, and in December 2021, it counted 795 adults with such symptoms. a. Write a frequency distribution for the variable "Number of Adults having Symptoms of Anxiety". Add a column to the table to display the proportions. b. Construct a bar chart for this variable using the proportions you calculated in part (a) of this question. 2. With the same group of 3000 adults, the study also examined symptoms of depression, using the same 3 different time periods. These results counted 195 adults showing symptoms of depression before the pandemic (2019), 906 in December 2020, and 642 in December 2021. a. Write a frequency distribution for the variable "Number of Adults having Symptoms of Anxiety". Add a column to the table to display the proportions. b. Construct a bar chart for this variable using the proportions you calculated in this question. 3. Comparing numbers for those with symptoms of anxiety and those with symptoms of depression: a. What is the ratio of number of adults having symptoms of anxiety during the pandemic, in December 2020, to those having symptoms of depression in that same time period? b. What is the ratio of number of adults having symptoms of anxiety across all 3 time periods to those having symptoms of depression? c. What do you conclude about the impact of the pandemic on the wellbeing of adults? Write a paragraph to explain and interpret your results.