1. First year and graduating year students have recorded work competency scores. The first
year students have not been exposed to WIL, while the graduating students have had WIL
stints of various durations.
Use the WILA3 data, compare the WIL scores of the first year and graduating students.
• Draw two appropriate graphs.
• Produce a table of summary statistics (including IQR and range) to show similarities and
differences in the WIL scores of the first year and graduating students.
Comment on what these tell you.
2. The researcher wishes to know if the mean WIL scores differ significantly for WIL scores of
the first year and graduating students.
• Name the test to be used.
• Write the hypotheses in words and symbols (use a one-tailed test).
3. Carry out the test from (2). As part of this make sure you:
• Report the relevant statistic, df and p-value.
● Report the confidence interval for the difference in means.
Copy the computer output to your appendix.
Interpret the confidence interval.
• Interpret the test results and make a conclusion.
(Hint: the hypotheses stated on the iNZight output are not adequate for your test.)
4. What are the assumptions behind this test? Comment on the validity of your findings in
relation to these.