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Person A and Person B are trying to unlock the secrets of a tornado. They are trying to model the tornado using 2D vortex dynamics but need your help. They choose to model the tornado as a circular region, with a radius rc=25[m of uniform vorticity, w(0 ≤r≤re) = We Outside the radius of the tornado the vorticity is zero, (r>rc) = 0 They are at [Observation Station #1], 1= 100[m] from the center of the tornado, taking measurements.The vane-anemometer at the station is broken, but the manometer measure gauge pressure,P₁ = -300[Pa], They radio over to you over at [Observation Station #2], r2 = 2000[m] from the center of the tornado. You report back the measurements from your station, reporting the wind-speed, [₂] = 0[m/al, the gauge pressure reading from the manometer, P = 0[Pal, and temperature, T2 = 300[K]Gauge Pressure is with respect to 101.3[kPal. This is taking place on Earth with:

a) Determine the expression for the velocity field, (r) = (ur, u), in terms of the parameters: Fe, Wo, and variable r. Do not plug number yet. (consider: 10 ≤rs rel, then re

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8