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Please read these 2 links: Please listen to this youtube audio: In 'The Music of Erich Zann," Lovecraft explores the powers of music that can bring us

into"contact" with non-rational experiences In Lovecraftian fashion, these experiences are notpleasurable. The musician is "afflicted with strange fears and nervous disorders connectedwith his music and with other things." These fears are never clearly defined. Still, thenarrator is forever afflicted by "the frenzy of his unutterable music." He plays his musicwitha "curious mixture of anger and fright." What kind of "wild power" does music have toconnect us to other worlds? What dangers in the story come with playing or listening to thiskind of music?Listen to the popular Taoist music, "Reflections of the Moon on Erquan" from our courselink. The music was composed by a blind and sickly street musician named Abing. After hedied, it has become a Chinese classic. When the conductor of the Boston SymphonyOrchestra first heard the music in China, he immediately got out of his seat and said,"People should listen to this kind of music on their knees." What did he mean? What,specifically did he hear or feel in the music? What musichaveyou heard that invokes orevokes other worlds?Asmany psychologists have noted, our deepest fears tend to hover around uncertainty anddeath: uncertainty with our place in our cosmos, and what happens when we die. Religionand science also directly addressthesefears. A scientific, logical approach to our world isemphasized in many of Lovecraft's stories. And yet Lovecraft continuously takes us bey ondthe limits of science and scientists. In "The Dunwich Horror," The more rational scholar, Dr.Amitage understandsthat "the riddle is a deep and complex one." What is the riddle andwhy is it so deep? In the beginning of the story, Lovecraft quotes Charles Lamb, who writes,"the kind of fear here treated is purely spiritual." Do you agree? Is the horror depicted in thestory spinitual? Should science and/or religion leave some mysteries alone? Ought we totread carefully when we confront our "spiritual fears," through music, religion, or science?Why or why not? Please answer these questions and give a 500-700 word response

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