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Problem 1: Just One Byte

Write a C program in main.c in directory marsdeel that will be compiled into an executable

marsdecl. Your program will read in a series of bytes in hexadecimal notation and decode the stream

of bytes, outputting the decoded integers. Reconnaissance Orbiter


Your program will read its input from stdin. The first line contains a single integer denoting the number

of lines N in the communication. This is followed by N lines, each containing an integer B denoting the

number of bytes on the line, followed by B bytes in hexadecimal notation. (Hint: Use scanf to read

integers and bytes). For the hexadecimal, use the format specifier with "x".


3 0x620x69 0x00

4 Oxca Oxfl 0x85 0x38

5 Oxfb Oxff Oxff Oxff Oxfo

5 Oxfc 0x00 0x00 0x000x10

For problem 1, the number of bytes will range from 0 to 5. This will increase for Problems 2. Each line

corresponds to an encoding of a single integer. The first 5

bits represent a 5-bit unsigned integer L, followed by an L-

bit signed integer. The remaining bits are ignored.


Bit Order

The bits are ordered left to right, with the bytes ordered 0

... 3 and the bits in each byte ordered most significant to

least significant bit (in big-endian). E.g., bit 0 in the figure

on the right is the first bit in the stream and is the most

significant bit of byte 0. Bit 31 is the last bit in the stream

and is the least significant bit of byte 3. The bits are to be

processed in increasing order from 0 to 31.


For each of the N lines, the program must


e.g. 20


Bit 0


e.g. 20-bit int


93 bl


Byte 0




Byte 3

Bit 31

Read in the B bytes and unpack the integer.

• The packed integer is stored in the order of most-significant to least significant bit.

The number of bytes can range from 0 up to 5 bytes. If there are 0 bytes, then the line has no

integers to unpack.

The last byte may not be filled. The extra bits can be ignored.

Fig: 1