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Problem 2: How much faster can you cook a potato in a convection oven versus a standard oven? Assume that the potato can be approximated as a cylinder with a diameter of 3 cm and length of 4 cm, with density p=950 kg/m^3, thermal conductivity k=0.8 W/m*K, and specific heat Cp=4.6 kJ/kg*K. The air temperature in both ovens is 190°C. and the potato starts at 20°C. (a) Assuming a convection coefficient of h=8 W/m^2*K in a standard oven, is it appropriate to use a lumped capacitance approach? Calculate the time required to heat the potato to a temperature of 140°C. (b) Assuming h=15 W/m^2*K in a convection oven, is the same approach still appropriate? Calculate the time required to heat to the same temperature.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3