A k-biclique in a bipartite graph G = (L, R, E) is a pair of vertex sets SC
L, TCR of sizes |S| = |T|= k such that ry € E for every 2 € S, y ≤ T.
Let G(n,n, 1/2) denote a random bipartite graph with n vertices in each
part (i.e., |L| = |R| = n) where every edge ry, for r € L,y € R appears
independently with probability 1/2.
1. Construct a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that receives a bi-
partite graph G = (L, R, E) and returns a k-biclique in G such that the
(k≥ 0.9 log n) → 1
as n → ∞o.
To clarify, the algorithm always returns a biclique in G, and if the input G
is a G(n,1/2, 1/2) random graph then the biclique the algorithm returns
has at least 0.9 log n vertices on each part with high probability.
2. Construct a polynomial-time deterministic algorithm that receives an in-
put bipartite graph G and returns a number K = K(G) satisfying:
• For every graph G, there is no K(G)-biqlique in G.
2/n• Ec> 0 such that if G~ G(n, n, 1/2) then
Pr(K(G) > c√n) → 0
as n → ∞o.
The following theorems may be used.
Theorem. Let G~ G(n,n, 1/2), A its adjacency matrix, J the adjacency ma-
trix of the complete bipartite graph Kn,n and
B := 2A - J.
Then, there exists a constant >0 such that Pr(A₁(B) > {√√n) →0 as n→ ∞.
(Note that A, J and B are square matrices of order 2n)
Theorem. There exists a polynomial-time algorithm the receives a symmetric
matriz A and returns its eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2