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Problem 4 - Review of surface integral, definition of flux, Gausses' Law. 10 pts.

For this problem, consider a right-hand coordinate system wherein the x-axis is directed

to the right on your paper, the y-axis is directed toward the top of your paper, and the z-

axis is pointing out of your paper. A winding with 10 turns is wound around the rectangle

with corners (x,y,z) = (0,2,1),(0,2,3), (2,2,3), and (2,2,1). The winding is wound such

that the direction for positive flux is in the same direction as the positive y-axis. Now

suppose that within the rectangle

B = (1+x²yz²)a, cos(100t) T

where a, is the unit vector is the y direction, and t represents time. The winding (coil) is

open circuited. Using the definition of flux, flux linkage, and Faraday's law determine

the voltage that would be measured across the two leads of the winding at t= π/200.