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Problem 5.4. The figure shown below illustrates a basin with an established set of precipitation gages in the region. The annual observed precipitation for each gage is listed in the

following table. a) Compute the areal average annual precipitation using arithmetic average b) Compute the areal average annual precipitation using a Thiessen polygon approach by constructing the polygons by hand and "counting squares" for each polygon area. Make sure to be very precise in the construction of the polygons.Consider only the area inside the basin for the weights. c) Calculate the percent difference between the two estimates. d) Discuss the difference in the two annual averages you find for the watershed. Which method do you think provides the most representative mean areal precipitation estimate over the basin? Why? So which method should generally be employed for estimating mean areal precipitation?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7