• Fortune Cookie Classifier¹
You will build a binary fortune cookie classifier. This classifier will be used to classify
fortune cookie messages into two classes: messages that predict what will happen in
the future (class 1) and messages that just contain a wise saying (class 0). For example,
"Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line" would be a message in class
"You will get an A in Machine learning class" would be a message in class 1.
Files Provided There are three sets of files. All words in these files are lower case
and punctuation has been removed.
1) The training data:
traindata.txt: This is the training data consisting of fortune cookie messages.
trainlabels.txt: This file contains the class labels for the training data.
2) The testing data:
testdata.txt: This is the testing data consisting of fortune cookie messages.
testlabels.txt: This file contains the class labels for the testing data.