You will develop the movie web application described in Project #2 using PHP. First
create a project 4 directory inside your web server root directory. Your project is to
write only one PHP program movies.php inside project 4. You don't need to use
JavaScript. You don't need any proxy. The initial page is a search form with a text area
widget and a "Display Info" button. When you click on the button to search, you get a
page that contains the search form and a section with the search results. The search
results is an itemized clickable list of movie titles along with their years they were
released. When you click on the title of one of the search results, you get a web page
with the search form and information about the movie: the poster of the movie as an
image, the movie title, its genres (separated by comma), the movie overview (summary),
and the names of the top five cast members (ie, actors who play in the movie). You
call movies.php script in two ways: for example, using movies.php?search=The+Matrix to
get search results for "The Matrix" and movies nhn?id=
d=603 to get the page with the/nwith the search form and information about the movie: the poster of the movie as an
image, the movie title, its genres (separated by comma), the movie overview (summary),
and the names of the top five cast members (ie, actors who play in the movie). You
call movies.php script in two ways: for example, using movies.php?search=The+Matrix to
get search results for "The Matrix" and movies.php?id=603 to get the page with the
description of the movie 603.
How to call the MovieDB web services from PHP? Use
either file_get_contents Links to an external site. or curlLinks to an external
site. - see project2/proxy.php
How to process JSON data in PHP? Use PHP JSON functions Links to an
external site.
What to Submit
Zip your project4 directory and submit your file.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2