R₁ = 214
R₂ = 364
C = 286 μF
w = 12
By how much is the phase angle of the output voltage signal shifted
Q 2 Given the values:
R₁ = 225
R₂ = 386
C=271 μF
w = 8
Calculate the amplitude of voltage gain.
compared to the phase of the input voltage signal?
Q 3 For the values R₁ = 981 , R₂ = 430 , C = 293 μF, w = 8; calculate
Hint: This form of G, is just another way of writing
So just
start with the formula we know from class (Z₁ + ZT -), and you will find
yourself arriving at the form of G, mentioned above in the question. And
then it would be easy to get the ratio.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2