the Room relation. Booking stores the details of room reservations and booking No is the primary key. Guest stores the guests' details and guest No is the primary key.CLO3 Hotel(hotelNo, hotelName, hotelType, hotelAddress, hotelCity, numRoom) Room(roomNo, hotelNo, roomPrice) Booking (bookingNo, hotelNo, guestNo, checkIn, checkOut, totalGuest, roomNo) Guest(guestNo, firstName, lastName, guestAddress) (a) Write the SOL to list full details of all the hotels (b) Write the SQL to list full details of all the hotels in New York. (c) Write the SQL to list the guests in New York in descending order by last name.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8