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Q1: Consider the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technique. Suppose that User 1 wantsto transmit the following binary sequence (data stream d(t)) 1011 to User 2. Both users agreedto use

the following PN sequence 0110011101100101 (a.k.a chip sequence). Show how the waveform of the transmitted signal s(t) will look like using two differentimplementations: (a) Multiplying the data stream d(t) and the PN sequence c(t) together (Hint: XOR) and thenperforming the BPSK modulation. (b) Performing the BPSK modulation on the data stream d(t) to generate the data signal sa(t)and then multiplying it by c(t). Note: for BPSK, assume f = 1 Hz: A Sin (2mf1)lA Sin (2mfd + )SA Sin (2mf4) binary 1A Sin (2mfd) binary 0BPSKs(t)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6