the following PN sequence 0110011101100101 (a.k.a chip sequence). Show how the waveform of the transmitted signal s(t) will look like using two differentimplementations: (a) Multiplying the data stream d(t) and the PN sequence c(t) together (Hint: XOR) and thenperforming the BPSK modulation. (b) Performing the BPSK modulation on the data stream d(t) to generate the data signal sa(t)and then multiplying it by c(t). Note: for BPSK, assume f = 1 Hz: A Sin (2mf1)lA Sin (2mfd + )SA Sin (2mf4) binary 1A Sin (2mfd) binary 0BPSKs(t)
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6