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Quality posts will contain any one of the following aspects:

• Includes at least one reference at the end of the post. (textbook and/or outside scholarly reference-NOT

wiki's or blogs)

The postings are quality indicated by containing at least 100 words for each part (Part 1 and Part 2).

Postings thoughtfully considered and responded to the discussion prompt, using sound argumentation

and clear prose to add depth to the conversation.

Postings engaged with the ongoing conversation and fostered further discussion on the topic.

Postings explored new lines of argument or different perspectives.

The posts demonstrated a strong grasp of the language, terms and concepts of the course.

The post demonstrated learning both for yourself and your fellow students.

The post provided specific examples to support views expressed.

The post included analysis of the information presented: e.g, advantages, disadvantages, comparison,

contrast, implications, or significance of the information.

Avoid copy/paste and minimize quotes. Students should use their own words.

Answer Part 1 and 2

Part I

In what ways can each factor in the epidemiology triangle contribute to an



Fig: 1