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Question 1. Use the table 1 to decipher LW KDSSHQV WRQLJKW, what do you get?

Question 2. Use the table 1 to encrypt BURN THE BOATS, what do you get?

Question 3. If you were a Gallic general and knew Caesar's shifting technique, could you decipher, CVBSVPY, J'LZA WVBCVPY without knowing the key? What does it mean? Answering No, I could'nt. is fine.

Question 4. What does the print statement System.out.println((char) ('a'+3)) print in Java?

Question 5. Read the relevant parts of the textbook as described in the online classroom. Implement

Caesar Cipher with a key of -25 ≤k ≤ 25 as a Java class Use this class in another file called should interactively prompts the user for a string and then a key. It then outputs the shifted (cipher) text. When the user inputs a "q" the program should exit gracefully. You may get started with the starter code found here.