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Question 3.1

At 11:00 hours there is a difference of 20V between the voltage measured across the

loads in the home network and the voltage measured at the substation.

Estimate the value of the underground cable resistance Rc that would cause such a

voltage difference.

Question 3.2

Assume that the value of the underground cable resistance is equal to Rc = 50.

Calculate the peak power loss in the underground cable during the 24-hour time period.

Question 3.3

Assume that the value of the underground cable resistance is equal to Rc = 5 Q.

Calculate the total current flowing from the home network to the substation if all the

available appliances are switched on (ignore the time schedule) and the Solar Panels

are generating current that is equal to 10 A.

Use the sign to indicate whether the (positive) current is flowing from the home network

to the substation (in which case you should use positive '+' sign), or whether the

(positive) current is flowing from the substation to the home network (in which case

you should use negative '-' sign).

Fig: 1