
Question 5 Select any stock listed in Singapore stock exchange. Using Yahoo finance, download the daily stock data (Open, High, Low, Close, Adj Close, Volume) from year 1 Jan 2020 to

3 Jan 2022. Use data until 31 Dec 2020 for training and the remaining data for testing. You must select the stock such that the data is available from 1 Jan 2020 to 3 Jan 2022. Use previous 30 days of stock information to predict the next day stock price. Use the data in 'High' column to predict the price, i.e., the next day high price of the stock. Design a LSTM network to do the predictions. You are required to use LSTM with a cell state of at least 60 dimension and do at least 50 epochs of training. Rate the performance of the LSTM classifier and provide necessary plots.