question assignment number 1 view the using revenue management to set
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Assignment Number 1:
View the "Using Revenue Management to Set Orlando Magic Ticket Prices" on page 562. Access
your etext, go to page 562, watch video and respond to the below questions. If you cannot access
the video in your etext, I have provide a link to it that I found on YouTube, but it is located in your
1. After researching revenue (yield) management in airlines, describe how the Magic system differs
from that of American or other airline carriers.
2. What are some concerns the team needs to consider when using dynamic pricing with frequent
changes in price?
NOTE: Your response to this written assignment must be a minimum of 250 words, and you must
have ONE cited source. Your sources must be reliable, scholarly and not just a google search and
using the first one you land on to just put a cited source on your work. It must relate to subject
matter and your response!
Assignment Number 2:
Read Ethical Dilemma on page 553, review Figure 13.7, and then respond to the following:
Make the case for, and then against, this pricing system.
1. Does the general public seem to accept revenue management?
2. What would happen if you overheard the person in front of you in line getting a better room rate
at a Hilton Hotel?
3. How do customers manipulate the airline systems to get better fares?
NOTE: Your response to this written assignment must be a minimum of 250 words, and you must
have ONE cited source. Your sources must be reliable, scholarly and not just a google search and
using the first one you land out to just put a cited source on your work. It must relate to subject
matter and your response!
Word/page limit: Need to do this in 250 words per assignment with APA