(45 MARKS)
1.1 How does the combination of cookies and sessions play a role in creating a
dynamic user experience in a PHP web application, and what are some of the factors
to consider when implementing this functionality? Can you provide a high-level
overview of the concept, with a focus on the challenges and trade-offs involved, rather
than specific code examples?
1.2 Write a Menu-Driven program that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication or
division depending on the user's choice. The expected output should be as shown on
the form below
Expected Output
Your Result
Enter your First num 12
Enter your Second num 6
Select Your Choice
Show Result
1.3 How can you write a PHP program that allows a user to input and submit student
enrollment number, name, birth date, contact number, and email address through a
form and then validate all the fields before inserting the data into a MySQL database?
Additionally, the program should check for proper email format and ensure that the
enrollment number is unique in the database before insertion. To make the task more
challenging, the program should also have the ability to edit and delete existing
records in the database based on the enrollment number, while ensuring data integrity
and consistency. Can you also include error handling mechanisms to handle invalid
input and unexpected exceptions?
Fig: 1