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RESP 105 - Disease Report 95 Points Format: Minimum of 5 pages, no more than 10 pages Minimum of 6 references, no more than 1 can be a current textbook in the program APA 7 format; double spaced; 1-inch margins Times New Roman, 12-point font Title page with the title of the paper, your name, the institutional affiliation, course number and name, instructor name, and due date Content: 1. Overview of the disease 2. Etiology and Epidemiology 3. Pathophysiology 4. Risk Factors 5. Clinical Manifestations 6. Diagnostic Testing 7. General Management 8. Respiratory Care Treatment Protocols 9. Complications 10. National Education, Initiatives, and Prevention Programs 11. Conclusion 12. Separate page containing 3 test questions & answers for your disease

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