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Results (body) Statement of statistical Program used to analyze results. (1 point) Stats pro 0 program 2 Statistical test name for each analysis with purpose. (2 points) (GraphPad Prism10) 3 2 IVs with # of levels listed, design type (between, within, mixed, etc) Specific DVs listed Main effects & Interactions mentioned (3 points) Inferential stats included appropriately (at end of sentence, NOT subject of the sentence) F-values, p values, etc. (2 points) not manhand Findings explained directionally (1 point)-> make sure to mention in Fig Reference to figure(s) (1 point) Figure(s)/ captions #2 that group housed rats overall drank less liquid Figure(s) (6 points) Figure accurately depicts findings Means included, NOT individual data ✓ Symbols to represent relevant statistical differences needed but not present for Fig! Formatting No grid lines Black, legible size fonts Appropriate axis range Appropriate axis labels-alter Y axis fis Appropriate legend ✓ Figure number included Caption(s) (4 points) no caphans Present Title of graph either above graph (under figure number), OR as 1st sentence of caption 1 0 Brief description including main IVs/ DVS อ 0 Symbols defined add in Abbreviations defined in caption not defined This should be separate from results body/text. Figure & caption stand alone, do not require additional info to understand. Results & Figures subtotal 17 /20 40 Discussion (individual) Purpose/ goal of experiment & hypotheses restated. (1 point) →not restated in Explanation & Interpretation of results (6 points) Findings restated without statistical information provided. (Directional) Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the significance of the results. actual discussion section. 5 Z 3 Provides insightful interpretations backed by evidence from the data. Comparison with previous literature (5 points) Discussion connects findings to relevant literature. Shows awareness of existing research and its implications for the current study. Limitations of work (4 points) Acknowledges limitations of the study. needs more info/explanation. ✓ Discusses how limitations may have influenced the results and interpretation. Limitation(s) supported by literature (citations) if you didn't find what you were looking for, why not? Suggests plausible next steps or areas for future research based on the findings. Why didn't Future directions (3 points) isolation reduce Offers thoughtful insights into potential follow-up experiments or investigations. Sucrose preference? Supported by literature (citation) Is there a better test to Implications of findings (with citations) (3 points) show this? Can Sucrose preference be interpretted other ways? 2 Final conclusion (3 points) Discussion subtotal 17 125 General: (5 points) grammar & spelling Grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choices. Errors do not detract from the overall readability of the report Writing clarity & organization Clear, coherent writing (readability) Logical organization/ progressional of information APA 7 formatting conventions Some reorganization needed to Improve clarity Adheres to proper formatting guidelines, including headings, subheadings, and font style Consistently follows APA citation style for in-text citations and reference list. General subtotal 3.5 15 Total 375 150 55/n/n