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Evidence-based public health is a process that uses

scientific and practical evidence to guide decisions about

how to identify and prioritize the most important health

concerns in a community, as well as develop interventions

to address these priority areas. Interventions come in

many shapes and sizes. An intervention might be a program,

a policy change, an environmental change, a campaign, a

new partnership or a different practice or way of doing

things. What these things all have in common is that they

create change. In public health, these changes are meant

to influence individual behaviours and health as well as

the environments to support those individuals.

QUESTIONS TO ADDRESS (use 2 references for each response)

Examine a population that you have encountered in your

community OR your practice that needs a population-based


Construct the intervention you would implement.

How would this intervention create change?

Your intervention must be supported with evidence from

research that demonstrates that it is effective.

Fig: 1