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In this module, you learned that recruiting is the art of attraction, and that cultivating a strong

employer brand is an essential aspect of that process. Employer branding matters for two primary

reasons: it affects an organization's ability to attract and retain talent and it has labor cost and

productivity implications. An ability to cultivate and communicate an engaging employer brand is

particularly critical given that it's a sellers market, with heightened employee expectations and

increased competition for a smaller pool of workers.

Your Task

In your fourth rotation, you are reporting to the firm's Employer Branding lead. This is a relatively

new practice and the team is still developing services and associated deliverables. You have been

assigned to develop a proprietary (original) 1-page "How to Build a Strong Brand" overview for

clients. Bonus points: submit your deliverable as an infographic (For perspective, search for "how

to build an employer brand" and select Images). Refer to Employer Branding for a jump start.

Although your how-to must be original (riffing is fine; duplication is not), it should address the

following four points:

Step 1: Evaluate your brand.

Step 2: Identify/clarify your employer proposition.

Step 3: Connect with your audience.

Step 4: Recruit & support brand ambassadors.

This assignment requires you to incorporate research (cite Harris Poll, Gallup or other credible data)

on why a recommendation matters and specific action items associated with each step.


Fig: 1