SIT 218/738: Secure coding
Pass task 4.1P: Injection attack preventions using hibernate validator
Note: Complete the steps provided in "Ontrack Task4.1P Start Activity" on CloudDeakin
before completing this task.
In this task you will learn about whitelisting and blacklisting in input validations. In the class
activity you tested a regex validation to prevent injected script. When validating you need to
use the most efficient method to prevent any malicious user who may bypass your input
validation techniques.
In 05-coachwebapp-spring web app we implemented the regex pattern to prevent users from
entering the scripts or tagged input values in the format <>'. This prevented many of the XSS attack
input patterns. These filters can be bypassed using more clever inputs that do not get caught in the
validations done earlier like the examples given below. Try to enter the below value in the name field
and record the output from the webapp.
1) name ""
2) href=javascript:alert(1)>ClickMe
Discuss why these are getting bypassed.
Submission Requirements:
Submit one PDF file containing the following information:
1. Screenshots showing the bypassing of the filters for the three cases
2. Identify the type of validations that you performed in the 05-coachwebapp, (i.e.
whitelisting or blacklisting?)
3. A brief explanation why these are still getting bypassed.
Submission Due
The due for each task has been stated via its OnTrack task information dashboard.