sit111 task 4 1p implement 16 bit register in hdl deakin university au
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SIT111 - Task 4.1P
Implement 16-bit register in HDL
Multi-bit registers can be constructed using a series of 1-bit registers. Your task is to implement
a 16-bit register using Hardware Description Language (HDL).
Task requirements
a. Complete all pass tasks of the previous weeks before starting on this task.
b. Go through week 4 class materials and complete the active learning problem in week 4.
Read the given task instructions carefully.
Task Instructions
1. Using your knowledge gained from the learning materials and learning sessions in week
3, write an HDL program to implement a 16-bit register.
2. You can use any built-in chip to implement this.
3. Use the provided test scripts in task resources to test your implementation.
4. Upload the script to the Hardware Simulator tool.
5. Run and validate your HDL program with the test script.
6. Upload your HDL program to OnTrack.
7. Answer the following questions in a pdf document and upload it to OnTrack as well.
Please answer the point.
a. Explain what is the DFF?
b. With a diagram explain how the logic behind 'storing' 1 bit works?
How can storing 1 bit be expanded to store 16 bits of information?
d. What is abstraction and how does it come to play in the implementation of the
e. Why is the implementation of chips such as the Register that can maintain state
known as Sequential Logic?
Submission checklist
Make sure your submission documents (you will submit 2 documents - one pdf file; one code
file) has the following:
1 1. PDF file should contain the answers to the above questions listed above, a clear
screenshot showing that the execution of your HDL program completed successfully on
the Hardware Simulator.
2. Code file should contain the Register.hdl with complete interface and parts.
If one or more of the above requirements are missing or not completed to a required
standard, your task will be considered as Incomplete.
Please note: Students who are repeating the unit must not use your own previously
submitted or assessed work, as this is considered a form of plagiarism If
unsure, please speak to the unit coordinator.
Marking rubric for the task is given below:
Implementing the 16-bit
register in HDL
DNS or interface and/or
parts section is missing, or
chip parts are incorrect
and/or hdl file has errors.
The hdl file has all the
required sections; all chip
parts are correct and
executes without errors on
the simulator.
Incorrect and/or incomplete
answers or answers have
been colluded / copied.
Correct answers to the
questions demonstrating
good understanding of the
Nisan, Noam, and Shimon Schocken. The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern
Computer from First Principles MIT Press, 2005
Floyd, L., Thomas. Digital Fundamentals. Prentice-Hall International, 2003