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Skill assessment.

We crafted a few problems to assess your analytical ability, but also to provide a few

examples of the types of problems we might need you to tackle. We encourage you to

show your work, so we can see how you structure your strategy/analysis. When writing

up your answers, please use data wherever possible.

Problem #1.

United Way wants to launch a campaign(s) around the holiday season with the goal of collecting

donations and selling merchandise (they have videos/static images and a vertical video in

collaboration with an influencer showcasing the merchandise).

Client: United Way

Campaign duration: 3 months

Budget: $55,000

Objective: donations and merchandise sales Geo: Hamilton and Halton region


Please come up with a paid social strategy for the campaign(s) to meet the client's goals.

Problem #2.

Sales consultants find potential customers for their company's products. They typically meet

with clients at their own company's office or travel to the client's location and may be assigned a

specific region in which to travel. Sales consultants explain the features of various products and

the benefits of using them.

Jack is a Sales Consultant. While he is a great salesperson, he isn't the most technologically

literate person.

He has sold a social media advertising solution to a firm that deals with debt consolidations.

Translate the attached report into results, insights and recommendations that would be humanly

understandable for Jack to relay to his client.

Problem #3. Creative best practices. Please review and provide feedback on the following

creative assets. If you feel that changes are required, what would you recommend changing?


Ad#2: TKH2TysyzH9



Fig: 1