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Solids analysis is one of the important parameters for assessing water quality. Use the following data for calculating total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), dissolved solids (DS),total suspended solids (TSS), and total volatile suspended solids (TVSS) all in mg/l. A sample volume of 150 ml was used in performing all solids analysis: Tare mass of evaporating dish = 24.3520 g Mass of evaporating dish plus residue after evaporation @ 105 °C = 24.3970g Mass of evaporating dish plus residue after ignition @ 550 °C:24.3850g Mass of Whatman filter and tare = 1.5103g Mass of Whatman filter and tare after drying @ 105 °C = 1.5439g Residue on Whatman filter and tare after ignition @ 550 °C = 1.5199g

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