Computer Networks

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The 3-way handshake is to create a connection between a client and a server. To make sure both sides are ready to communicate, one side has to acknowledge that the other sider's packet is received. See the picture below. Receiver's AYN- ACK packet is to acknowledge sender's SYN packet is received. ACK packet is to acknowledge SYN- ACK packet is received. Can both sides 100% sure that the connection is ready? Can the receiver know if ACK packet is missing? Can you design a protocol that both sender and receiver will 100% sure that the communication channel is ready?

Question 10 : Apply the NAT/PAT protocol to fill the NAT table for the given scenario:

Project Description (A) You will be developing a multi-threaded Web server which interacts with any standard Web Clients (You may use any web browser of your choice to test the functionality however you should also submit the a client as given in (B) below). The Web server and Web client communicate using a text-based protocol called HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) (B) Build a single threaded Web Client on your own which interacts with your Web Server, and downloads a file from the server (C) Display the essential connection parameters of connection for both the Web client (on the server side) and for the Web Server (on the client side)

Research at least one future technology that can improve the present campus WIFI network either from the aspects of coverage, connectivity experience, security, etc. Justify the suitability of the technology.

Read the paper: sigcomm.pdf. This paper is one of the foundational papers about P2P networks and DHT in particular. This will give you an introduction into the idea of routing and storage in a distributed fashion. In our P2P project we are doing a much limited version of this, but hopefully you can see the parallels! The summary should be a single page-ish (assuming it's single spaced). Focus your summary on a few aspects that you found interesting about the paper, you don't need to thoroughly walk through the entire thing. Keep it pithy!

An organization has recently begun to use Bluetooth input and output devices in association with some of its desktop computers. Imagine that you are working in this Organization as a network technical support. In order to introduce the Bluetooth technology to the employee of the organization, the organization management had asked you to write a summary explaining the following factors: ■ Give an overview about Bluetooth technology. ■ What are the piconets and scatternets in Bluetooth? ■ Why piconets and scatternets are used in Bluetooth? ■ What are the advantages/disadvantages of piconets when compared with scatternets?

(a) Assign IP addresses to all of the interfaces. For Subnet 1 use addresses of the form; for Subnet 2 uses addresses of the form; and for Subnet 3 use addresses of the form (b) Assign MAC addresses to all of the adapters. (c) Consider sending an IP datagram from Host E to Host B. Suppose all of the ARP tables are up to date. Enumerate all the steps. (d) Repeat (c), now assuming that the ARP table in the sending host is empty (and the other tables are up to date).

Network Design Project In this project, you will design a network for a campus with following network needs and services. Please carefully read through the needs and services and then demonstrate your design.

- Given the following data D = 1011110111 and generator G = 1001 please compute: (a) The redundancy data R (b) Verify <D,R> using both approaches discussed in class (hint: think twice before you work too hard). (c) Now, verify that <D', R> with D' = 1010110111 indeed contains an error when received.

Compute the RSA signatures for the given message x with the given key pair of (n, e) = (1739, 17) and (d) = (1169). Verify your results by verifying the computed signature. (a) x = 54 (b) x = 19

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