Data Science

Questions & Answers

QUESTION 5 For a 2-D hyperplane with parameter w=(1, 2) and bias w_0=3. What is the absolute value of the geometric margin for point x=(10, -5)? (Round the answer to two decimal places)

5. What is an IP address? What is a mnemonic address? Using the 32-bit representation,how many different domains are allowed? And how many machines in a domain are allowed? (8 points)

5) What is the simplified expression for the following Kmap?

6) The characteristic table shown below contains two rows where the next state for A and Bis incorrect for the accompanying circuit. Which two rows are incorrect?

Explain the "IT Productivity Paradox". Does it really exist?

NOOINMASC 22) Given the instruction set for MARIE: Instruction Opcode Instruction Opcode 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Instruction JnS X Load X Store X Add X Subt X Input Output 7 8 9 A B C Instruction Halt Skipcond (00 for AC<0, 01 for AC=0, 10 for AC>0) Jump X Clear Addl X Jumpl X

Draw conclusions from data by using quantitative reasoning, including reading charts, graphs, or tables. • Explain the societal impact of the Data Analysis using insights and information obtained from the dataset.

Briefly describe the two different ways to find a path given the start vertex and the end vertex in a graph. (6 Points)

25) In your own words, explain compiling, assembly and interpretation of computer code.

QUESTION 1 In the following figure representing SVM, assume w=(1, 1), what is the value of d? (Round the answer to two decimal places)

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