Digital Systems

Questions & Answers

2. Consider the following circuit that contains a Trojan circuitry shown in red. Assume that the inputs are statistically independent and have a 50/50 chance of being a logic one.

1. Design a block diagram simulation of a 6-bit serial shift register. Your answer to this problem is your schematic. The 4-bit version from the lecture is shown below. Place an output pin at the output of each flip-flop and name them Qo - Q5

Using a 74HC151, design an odd parity circuit checker that has 4 inputs: A, B, C, and D, with A being the most significant bit, and one output Y that computes the odd parity of the 4 inputs. For example, the truth table will look similar to the following:

Objective: Demonstrate that the following digital logic circuit expression forms Canonical Sum of Products Minimized Sum of products Canonical Product of Sums Minimized Product of Sums Nand-Nand Form Nor-Nor Form produce the same circuit output. It is important to understand that these circuit expressions are functionally equivalent, producing the same output for a given truth table.

Q.1 Show all of your working for each section. (a) Convert the following binary number to decimal 1101101 (b) Convert the following decimal number to binary 82 (c) Convert the following binary number to hexadecimal 1100101001010111 (d) Convert the following hexadecimal number to binary 10A4 (e) Convert the following hexadecimal number to decimal A85 (f) Convert the following decimal number to hexadecimal 650 (5 Marks) (5Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks)

Q.5 Reduce the following functions to their minimum sum of products form. Show all of your working. X= ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ACD + ABCD Marks) (10 Marks) X= ABCD + ABC D + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD (15 L

2. Proof the simplification rule (a) x+x'•y=x+y (b) x (x'+y)=x-y

a) Using ASCII, decode the following words: {1001000, 1100101, 1101100, 1101100, 1101111} {1110111, 1101111, 1110010, 1101100, 1100100, 100001} {1100010, 1111001, 1110100, 1100101, 111110, 1100010, 1101001, 1110100} b) Using ASCII, encode the following words: Analog Digital real-world

6. Design a block diagram simulation of the 4-bit BCD ripple counter. Your answer to this problem is your schematic. The version from the lecture is shown to the right. Name the outputs from each flip-flop Q1, Q2, Q4, Q8, respectively, indicating their binary place.

Objectives: To study the operation and usefulness of several MSI code devices. converter and adder circuit

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