Earth Materials

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3) Based on the results from problem 1 and 2, estimate the hydrocarbon saturation in the reservoir if the log analysis indicates that the porosity is 20% and the true formation resistivity is 5.25 Nm.

2) Sample 4 from the previous data was flooded with crude oil, in several steps, in order to displace the brine. The remaining water saturation and E values were measured a teach of these displacement steps. Based on the measured data given below and other data from problem 1 calculate the true formation resistivity Rt as a function of water saturation Sw and subsequently determine the saturation exponent n of the Archie's saturation equation.

1) Six cylindrical core plugs of 2.54 cm diameter and 3.81 cm length were taken from an Alaskan North Slope reservoir. After cleaning porosities of all plugs were measured by a helium porosimeter. Subsequently, all samples were fully saturated with a 0.07 Qm brine such that, Sw-1. Each sample was placed in a resistivity apparatus and voltage (E) values were measured for current flow of0.01 A. Determine the formation factor F, for each core plug and estimate parameters a and m for archie's formulation factor equation.

A complete mix activated sludge system is being designed to address a flow from a primary treatment process of 1000 m³/day. The design includes a 6-day solids retention time and typical kinetic parameter at 15°C. The wastewater has a bCOD= 192g/m³, nbVSS=30 g/m³, and an inorganic concentration of 10 g/m³. The aeration tank should maintain a concentration of MLV-=2500 mg/L. Assume the rbsCOD is equal to BOD and that it is typically 68% of the bCOD. Provide detailed calculations and an explanation of the steps you performed.

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