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Choose one of the following questions. Prepare an 8-munite presentation on the topic. 1- Over the past decades, there has been many concerns over the negative impact of big manufacturing companies on the environment. Discuss this issue in light of ethics, present examples and demonstrate your opinions on the best practices in this area. 2- Many drugs, cosmetics, and substances that are intended for human use are tested on animals before being manufactured and sold in the market. What are some ethical issues, problems, or benefits of animal testing? Research the topic and present your arguments. 3- Recent history involves many examples of research projects on human subjects which lacked proper ethical practice. Research the topic, present examples and analyze them in light of ethical reasoning. Is it worth sacrificing a few ethical considerations in research to achieve informative results? 4- In the medical field, patient consent to treatment is an important consideration. Consider a situation where a patient refuses a treatment which the doctor knows that it is necessary to save their life, is it ethical to force that treatment on the patient despite their refusal? Discuss the ethical issues and concepts related to patient consent and present your arguments. 5- Modern technological advancements provided many opportunities for public surveillance. Things like application data usage, cameras with face recognition, and other technologies have made breaching privacy easier. Yet, some may argue that these technologies provide a potential for a safer, more secure world. Discuss this issue ethically using examples.

Which of the following is true regarding aWhistleblower ? O a. It is the duty of every person to report corruption offences, and the freedom,security and tranquility of the whistle blower is guaranteed in accordance with the provisions here of or any other law establishing other guarantees in this regard. b. Offending the whistle blower is highly recommended c. Avoid blowing the whistle on your managers & supervisors as he or she is your friend d. Blowing the whistle really loud can damage a person's eardrum - None of the above

Whoever commits the offense of Illicit Gain shall be punished by imprisonment for a term exceeding twenty five years and a fine equal to the value of the Illicit Gain, which he or she obtained, in addition to ruling with the confiscation of the lllicit Gain, whether it was in his or her own account or in the account ofhis spouse or minor children or those under his guardianship or curatorship. O TrueO False

What does MANAGING focus on ? a.Telling & Directing O b. Authority & Control c. Breaking the back of low income employees d. Having Individual Subordinates or Assistants e.Seeking an Outcome for Immediate Needs

Why should we work in a team? O a. Teams are responsible for many of today's accomplishments and working in a team helps accomplish our goals h Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity O c. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort to reach the main goal O d. Teams allow each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimizes an individual's weaknessesas such Oe. All of the above

If you are part of a team, what method(s) will OBSTRUCT collaborative leadership methods &tactics? O c. Avoid displaying passion or commitment to the goal & mission O d. Give power to the people to do the work e. Make individuals responsible for their output and work quality Da. Learn when to listen & when to talk Give everyone clear roles & responsibilities

Which of the following is part of the prioritiesand initiatives of Specialized Bodies : O a. Hiring under-qualified relatives instead of qualified candidates O b. Whistleblower's Protection c. Capacity Building ▪ d. Coordination & Cooperation e. Giving bribes & kickbacks

*No partial credit for selecting an incorrect response or not selecting all the correct responses a. Being Open to Other Possibilities & Outcomes b. Partnering & Cooperating c. Aiming for Long Term Improvements Od. Shouting & Arguing with Team members loudly e. Exploring & Facilitating

Match the following terms to the appropriate definition : The awareness of participating in cooperative projects &assignments that are based on shared commitments and mutualsupport or respect Fulfilling our duties & sharing our devotion of moral ideals that are-inherent in one's profession Valuing the professional expertise and devotion of our colleagues especially in regards to social good that is promoted by the-profession

How do we monitor & evaluate the application of the core principles within an-organization to ensure preparedness ? O a. Assessing the effectiveness of the national strategy depends on the extent to which the targeted initiatives are implemented at a practical level and have achieved the desired impact O b. Take into consideration that the implementation process needs regular and periodic follow-up O c. Evaluate and report on progress in the implementation of the principles and ensure the coordination between parties are consistent O d. Mechanisms for the effective implementation of such a strategy include gathering and analyzing information and reports from concerned parties O e. All of the above

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